About Page

Why this blog exists


Ever since I was a young boy I always had a love for Point-and-Click Adventure games.
Some of my very early memories consists of playing obscure titles on my family’s very first computer. Many of them from my native language.


As I grew a bit older me and some friends started playing The Curse of Monkey Island – the game that cemented my love for the genre.
Ever since that very game holds a special place in my heart, and I still occationally play though it again revelling in the humour.
Ever since then, and many a games beyond, this is still one of my favorite genres to play.


Because of this very reason I created this blog. Mostly for myself, as a place to store my memories and to look back at them.
This blog is my two cents on the games I play. It is a collection, of sorts, of my thoughts and feelings regarding these games.
If you somehow stumbled upon them, I hope you enjoy ’em.
And who knows, maybe even finds a rough gem worth picking up and playing yourself!